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Understanding the heterogeneity intrinsic to protein folding
Current Opinion in Structural Biology ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sbi.2023.102738
Sandhya Bhatia , Jayant B. Udgaonkar

Relating the native fold of a protein to its amino acid sequence remains a fundamental problem in biology. While computer algorithms have demonstrated recently their prowess in predicting what structure a particular amino acid sequence will fold to, an understanding of how and why a specific protein fold is achieved remains elusive. A major challenge is to define the role of conformational heterogeneity during protein folding. Recent experimental studies, utilizing time-resolved FRET, hydrogen-exchange coupled to mass spectrometry, and single-molecule force spectroscopy, often in conjunction with simulation, have begun to reveal how conformational heterogeneity evolves during folding, and whether an intermediate ensemble of defined free energy consists of different sub-populations of molecules that may differ significantly in conformation, energy and entropy.



