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The Jewish Traveler and the Protestant Shoemaker: A Hans Sachs Poem in Yiddish
Zutot Pub Date : 2023-12-05 , DOI: 10.1163/18750214-bja10040
Oded Cohen 1 , Roni Cohen 2

This article discusses a new finding – the first known Yiddish translation of a literary piece by the famous 16th-century Meistersinger Hans Sachs (1494–1576). The translation was copied, shortly after the original piece was printed in German, as part of a manuscript that includes various lists on various topics copied by a traveling Jew named Uri ben Simon. The examination of the translation and its context in Uri ben Simon’s codex are used as an example of inter-cultural exchange in the early modern German space.



本文讨论了一项新发现——第一个已知的意第绪语翻译,由 16 世纪著名歌手汉斯·萨克斯(Hans Sachs,1494-1576 年)创作的文学作品。在原件以德文印刷后不久,译文就被复制,作为手稿的一部分,其中包括由一位名叫乌里·本·西蒙 (Uri ben Simon) 的旅行犹太人抄写的各种主题的各种列表。对乌里·本·西蒙手抄本中的翻译及其背景的检查被用作现代早期德国空间跨文化交流的例子。