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The core microbiota across the green lineage
Current Opinion in Plant Biology ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pbi.2023.102487
Paloma Durán

The study of plant–microbe interactions and the characterization of plant-associated microbiota has been the focus of plant researchers in the last decades due to its importance for plant health in natural conditions. Here, I explore the persistent core microbiota associated with different plant species and across different environments by performing a meta-analysis of publicly available datasets. Intra-specific analyses revealed that diverse plant genotypes growing in similar habitats interact with a common set of microbial groups but that some of these core groups are species- or environment-specific. Furthermore, interspecific meta-analysis demonstrates the conservation of seven bacterial orders across diverse photosynthetic organisms, including microalgae, suggesting a conserved capacity for interaction with these core microbes throughout evolutionary history. However, the specific functions of these core members and whether these functions are conserved across hosts remain largely unexplored. I therefore discuss the importance of understanding the roles of the core microbiota and propose future research directions, including the exploration of microbial interactions across different kingdoms. By investigating the core microbiota and its functions, it will be possible to leverage this knowledge for sustainable agricultural management and conservation goals.



