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Maud Menten: Pioneering Pediatric-Perinatal Pathologist, Clinician-Scientist, and "the Most Wonderful Human Being in the World".
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-25 , DOI: 10.1177/10935266231202934
James R Wright 1

Maud Menten was born and raised in remote regions of Canada. She obtained her MB/MD at the University of Toronto (1907/1911) and her PhD in biochemistry at the University of Chicago (1916). From 1907 to 1916, she trained at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, Western Reserve University in Cleveland, the Berlin Municipal Hospital in Germany, and the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital in St Louis. In 1916, she was appointed as pathologist at the Elizabeth Steel Magee Hospital, a charitable maternity hospital in Pittsburgh. She received a faculty appointment at the University of Pittsburgh (1918) and was appointed pathologist at Pittsburgh Children's Hospital (1926). In addition to being one of the first woman academic pathologists, she was likely the first perinatal, the second pediatric-perinatal, and the fourth pediatric pathologist to practice in North America. The importance of Menten's overall scientific contributions place her in the very upper echelon of 20th century pathologists. Her enzyme kinetic work resulted in the Michaelis-Menten equation, and her work in George Crile's laboratory in Cleveland provided a physiological basis for improved surgical outcomes. Her work in Pittsburgh was equally innovative, including initiating the field of enzyme histochemistry.


莫德·门滕(Maud Menten):儿科-围产期病理学家先驱、临床医生-科学家,“世界上最伟大的人类”。

莫德·门滕 (Maud Menten) 在加拿大偏远地区出生和长大。她在多伦多大学获得了医学硕士学位/医学博士学位(1907/1911),并在芝加哥大学获得了生物化学博士学位(1916)。1907年至1916年间,她在洛克菲勒医学研究所、纽约妇女儿童医院、克利夫兰西储大学、德国柏林市立医院和圣路易斯巴纳德自由皮肤与癌症医院接受培训。1916 年,她被任命为匹兹堡慈善妇产医院伊丽莎白·斯蒂尔·马吉医院的病理学家。她在匹兹堡大学获得教职(1918 年),并被任命为匹兹堡儿童医院的病理学家(1926 年)。除了是第一批女性学术病理学家之一之外,她还可能是在北美执业的第一位围产期医生、第二位儿科-围产期医生和第四位儿科病​​理学家。Menten 整体科学贡献的重要性使她跻身 20 世纪病理学家的最上层行列。她的酶动力学研究得出了米氏方程,她在克利夫兰乔治·克莱尔实验室的工作为改善手术结果提供了生理学基础。她在匹兹堡的工作同样具有创新性,包括开创了酶组织化学领域。