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Nonparametric conditional mean testing via an extreme-type statistic in high dimension
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-02 , DOI: 10.1111/sjos.12697
Yiming Liu 1 , Guangming Pan 2 , Guangren Yang 1 , Wang Zhou 3

We propose a new test to investigate the conditional mean dependence between a response variable and the corresponding covariates in the high-dimensional regimes. The test statistic is an extreme-type one built on the nonparametric method. The limiting null distribution of the proposed extreme type statistic under a mild mixing condition is established. Moreover, to make the test more powerful in general structures we propose a more general test statistic and develop its asymptotic properties. The power analysis of both methods is also considered. In real data analysis, we also propose a new way to conduct the feature screening based on our results. To evaluate the performance of our estimators and other methods, extensive simulations are conducted.


