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From Site-Specific Sampling to Gamification: An exploration of performative engagement with the environment
Organised Sound Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s1355771823000547
Martin K. Koszolko , Thomas Studley

This article explores strategies that allow electronic music performers to engage their audiences and environments in live acts of co-creation. We outline our existing musical practice relying on site-specific sampling and digital mobile technologies that have been tested across a range of participatory music performances. Salient challenges within this performance context are identified and several tools and techniques are proposed as solutions. We then consider how setting-based and sample-based participatory performances can be expanded through gamification strategies. After exploring how notions of playful experience can offer new insights into the nature of audience engagement, we propose several approaches for introducing gamified elements into performative music practices that can expand the scope of audience participation while preserving key aspects of using concert location recordings and musical improvisation. We conclude by discussing the implications of these approaches for the performer–audience relationship and the prospect of musical engagement with the environment before suggesting directions for future research.



