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The interplay of the circadian clock and metabolic tumorigenesis
Trends in Cell Biology ( IF 19.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tcb.2023.11.004
Zheng Wang , Leina Ma , Ying Meng , Jing Fang , Daqian Xu , Zhimin Lu

The circadian clock and cell metabolism are both dysregulated in cancer cells through intrinsic cell-autonomous mechanisms and external influences from the tumor microenvironment. The intricate interplay between the circadian clock and cancer cell metabolism exerts control over various metabolic processes, including aerobic glycolysis, de novo nucleotide synthesis, glutamine and protein metabolism, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial metabolism, and redox homeostasis in cancer cells. Importantly, oncogenic signaling can confer a moonlighting function on core clock genes, effectively reshaping cellular metabolism to fuel cancer cell proliferation and drive tumor growth. These interwoven regulatory mechanisms constitute a distinctive feature of cancer cell metabolism.



