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Quantum non-Gaussian optomechanics and electromechanics
Progress in Quantum Electronics ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pquantelec.2023.100495
Andrey A. Rakhubovsky , Darren W. Moore , Radim Filip

Mechanical systems prepared in quantum non-Gaussian states constitute a new advanced class of phenomena breaking the laws of classical physics. Specifically, such mechanical states cannot be described as any mixture of the Gaussian states produced by operations described by Hamiltonians at most quadratic in position and momentum, such as phase rotations, squeezing operations and linear driving. Therefore, they form a class of resourceful states for quantum technological tasks such as metrology, sensing, simulation and computation. Quantum opto- and electromechanics are advanced platforms for quantum mechanical experiments with broad applications offering various methods for preparing such mechanical quantum non-Gaussian states. The suitability of these platforms as transducers additionally allows the integration of such mechanical states into a variety of other related platforms. Here, we summarise the current techniques for creating these states, emphasizing those that have had experimental success and looking to methods that show promise for future experiments. By collating these results, we expect to stimulate new ideas for non-Gaussian state preparation in these fields, resulting in the realisation of further experiments. Moreover, we provide concise and clear explanations of the milestones of research in the quantum non-Gaussianity of mechanical states and its implementation and verification in a laboratory setting.



