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Numerical-and-Analytical Method for Solving Geometrically Nonlinear Bending Problems of Complex-Shaped Plates from Functionally Graded Materials
Strength of Materials ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11223-023-00583-8
S. M. Sklepus

This study proposes a new numerical-and-analytical method for solving geometrically nonlinear problems of bending of complex-shaped plates made of functionally graded materials developed. The problem was formulated within the framework of a refined higher-order theory considering the quadratic law of distribution of transverse tangential stresses along the plate thickness. To linearize the nonlinear problem, we used the method of continuous continuation in the parameter associated with the external load. For the variational formulation of the linearized problem, a Lagrange functional was constructed, defined at kinematically possible displacement velocities. To find the main unknowns of the problem of nonlinear plate bending (displacements, strains, and stresses), the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations is formulated. The Cauchy problem was solved by the Runge-Kutta–Merson method with automatic step selection. The initial conditions are found from the solution of the problem of geometrically linear deformation. The right-hand sides of the differential equations, at fixed values of the load parameter corresponding to the Runge-Kutta–Merson scheme, were obtained from the solution of the variational problem for the Lagrange functional. The variational problems were solved by the Ritz method in combination with the R-function method. The latter makes it possible to present an approximate solution as a formula. This solution structure exactly satisfies all (general structure) or part (partial structure) of the boundary conditions. Test problems are solved for a homogeneous rigidly fixed and functionally graded hinged square plate subjected to a uniformly distributed load of varying intensity. The results for deflections and stresses obtained by the developed method are compared with the solutions obtained by radial basis functions. The problem of bending of a functionally graded plate of complex shape is solved. The influence of the gradient properties of the material and geometric shape on the stress-strain state is investigated.



