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High phenotypic variation found within the offspring of each mother tree in Fagus sylvatica regardless of the environment or source population
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13794
Jonas Schmeddes 1 , Lena Muffler 2 , Adrià Barbeta 3 , Ilka Beil 1 , Andreas Bolte 4 , Stefanie Holm 1 , Pascal Karitter 5 , Marcin Klisz 6 , Magnus Löf 7 , Manuel Nicolas 8 , Josep Peñuelas 9, 10 , Yann Vitasse 11 , Robert Weigel 2 , Juergen Kreyling 1

Climate change challenges temperate forest trees by increasingly irregular precipitation and rising temperatures. Due to long generation cycles, trees cannot quickly adapt genetically. Hence, the persistence of tree populations in the face of ongoing climate change depends largely on phenotypic variation, that is the capability of a genotype to express variable phenotypes under different environmental conditions, known as plasticity. We aimed to quantify phenotypic variation of central Europe's naturally dominant forest tree across various intraspecific scales (individuals, mother trees (families), populations) to evaluate its potential to respond to changing climatic conditions.


