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Beta-diversity within coral atolls: Terrestrial species turnover increases with cyclone frequencies
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13797
Sebastian Steibl 1 , James C. Russell 1

Atolls are a widely distributed, common type of tropical ecosystem, each consisting of an annular coral reef and up to several hundred individual islets sitting on the reef platform. The small land areas and low elevation render the terrestrial communities susceptible to local extinctions from overwash and inundation due to tropical cyclones. Such recurring catastrophic disturbances should be expected to drive strong priority effects and historical contingency in species assembly, thus also promoting species turnover within atolls. This stands contradictory to the received wisdom of atolls consisting of numerous uniform, replicated island systems. We tested the hypothesis that the individual islets within an atoll exhibit compositional turnover and that this species turnover within atolls is related to cyclone frequency.


