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What would attract women to forest-based climate action? Learning from decades of female participation in an infant and maternal health system in Indonesia
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-14475-280427
Stibniati Atmadja , Manuel Boissière , Dian Ekowati , Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo

Low female participation in community-based forest actions for mitigating and adapting to climate change (i.e., “forest climate actions”) increases gender inequalities and could reduce intervention effectiveness. Factors preventing women’s participation in forestry are well-researched, while factors motivating women’s participation is comparatively lacking. We fill this gap by (i) identifying women’s motivations to participate in communal action in other domains; (ii) analyzing to what extent these motivations exist in forest climate actions; (iii) suggesting how forest climate actions can better motivate women’s participation.

Our paper presents an original mixed methods approach using data from two studies in different domains (health vs. forestry), objectives (feasibility study vs. impact evaluation), and data collection approach (key informant interviews vs. standardized surveys). Women’s motivations to participate in Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu), a state-run infant and maternal health service system operated mostly by female collaborators (Kader), were contrasted with conditions shaping women’s participation in forest climate actions. Data were collected in the same period (2013–2014) in forested rural areas of Indonesia.

We find women are motivated by the following values they find lacking in forest climate actions: (1) altruistic values: improving other’s well-being through Posyandu, vs. limited benefits from forest climate actions; (2) social capital: enhancing own and family’s social status by participating in Posyandu, vs. limited social enhancement through forest climate action; and (3) identity enhancement: increasing own pride and competence when supporting an established organization like Posyandu, vs. no equivalent organization for women in forest climate action.

What would attract women to forest climate action? We suggest (1) tangible benefits from forest climate action for women and rural communities, so that women see forests are worth fighting for; (2) respected roles for women in public spheres related to forest climate actions; and (3) self-enhancement opportunities through village-level organizations and good employment opportunities aligned with forest climate actions.

The post What would attract women to forest-based climate action? Learning from decades of female participation in an infant and maternal health system in Indonesia first appeared on Ecology & Society.



女性参与减缓和适应气候变化的社区森林行动(即“森林气候行动”)的比例较低,会加剧性别不平等,并可能降低干预效果。阻碍妇女参与林业的因素研究较多,而激励妇女参与林业的因素则相对缺乏。我们通过以下方式填补这一空白:(i) 确定妇女参与其他领域社区行动的动机;(ii) 分析这些动机在森林气候行动中存在的程度;(iii) 建议森林气候行动如何更好地激励妇女参与。

我们的论文提出了一种原始的混合方法,使用来自不同领域(健康与林业)、目标(可行性研究与影响评估)和数据收集方法(关键知情人访谈与标准化调查)的两项研究的数据。妇女参与 Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu)(一个主要由女性合作者 (Kader) 运营的国营婴儿和孕产妇保健服务系统)的动机与影响妇女参与森林气候行动的条件形成鲜明对比。数据是在同一时期(2013-2014 年)在印度尼西亚森林覆盖的农村地区收集的。

我们发现,女性受到森林气候行动中缺乏的以下价值观的激励:(1)利他价值观:通过Posyandu改善他人的福祉,而不是森林气候行动带来的有限收益;(2)社会资本:通过参与Posyandu提升自己和家庭的社会地位,vs通过森林气候行动有限的社会提升;(3) 增强身份认同:在支持像 Posyandu 这样的知名组织时,与没有类似的妇女森林气候行动组织相比,提高自己的自豪感和能力。

什么会吸引女性参与森林气候行动?我们建议(1)森林气候行动为妇女和农村社区带来实实在在的好处,让妇女认识到森林值得为之奋斗;(2) 妇女在森林气候行动相关公共领域的作用受到尊重;(3) 通过村级组织实现自我提升的机会以及与森林气候行动相结合的良好就业机会。

帖子 什么会吸引女性参与基于森林的气候行动?印度尼西亚数十年来女性参与婴儿和孕产妇保健系统的经验教训首次出现在《生态与社会》杂志上。
