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Is segmentation a theory? Improving the theoretical basis of a foundational concept in business-to-business marketing
Industrial Marketing Management ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.11.012
Thomas Ritter , Carsten Lund Pedersen

Despite segmentation's importance for marketing in general and the extensive research published on the topic over several decades, business-to-business segmentation is still not fully developed as a general theory—a status that may decrease academic interest in the field. Based on a recent contribution on the definition and typology of theory, this paper explores the degree to which segmentation can be considered a theory and, more specifically, which elements and perspectives are currently underdeveloped. We highlight some fundamental challenges that must be addressed to establish a better theoretical foundation for segmentation's evolution into a more developed theory. We also present questions for future research to guide the advancement of business-to-business segmentation, which is necessary for a concept so central to business-to-business marketing.



