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Cellular dormancy: A widespread phenomenon that perpetuates infectious diseases
Journal of Basic Microbiology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1002/jobm.202300389
Claudio V. da Silva 1 , Teresiama Velikkakam 1 , Elida C. M. de Oliveira 1 , Anna C. A. Silveira 1 , Joed P. de Lima Júnior 1 , Nelsa P. I. Uombe 1 , Paulo H. R. da Silva 1 , Bruna C. Borges 1

Under adverse environmental conditions, microorganisms are able to enter a state of cellular dormancy which consists of cell cycle arrest and interruption of multiplication. This process ensures their perpetuation in the infected host organism and enables the spread of disease. Throughout biological evolution, dormancy allowed microorganisms to persist in a harsh niche until favorable conditions for their reactivation were re-established. Here, we propose to discuss the dormancy of bacteria and protozoa pathogens focusing on the potential mechanisms and components associated with dormancy.


