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Practical identification of cobalt-based blue pigments detecting the induced photoluminescence by a He-Ne laser using a Raman spectrometer
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1002/jrs.6636
Sergio Ruiz‐Moreno 1 , MaJosé Soneira 1 , Rosanna Perez‐Pueyo 1

Since the early 19th century, the pigment historically known as cobalt blue has been one of the most widely used in artistic painting. Its many and excellent properties led to the rapid development of different synthesis processes for the pigments known today under the generic name of cobalt-based pigments. The differentiation and characterization of these pigments is often difficult, because many of them are made of the same raw materials, mainly cobalt oxides (or salts) and alumina (aluminum oxide), even when Raman spectroscopy is used. In this research, six cobalt-based trademark pigments and two chemically pure compounds, cobalt aluminate and calcined alumina, have been analyzed using a Raman spectrometer with a red He-Ne laser (632 nm) as the excitation source. It should be noted that only the Raman band around 517 cm−1 associated with the cobalt aluminate has been detected by the authors in cobalt based pigments with this configuration. In order to obtain additional information, a fundamental aim of this work has been to detect the photoluminescence (PL) emitted by the leftover of calcined alumina (α-alumina) in these compounds, particularly in the form of a strong doublet located at 1367 and 1396 cm−1. From an experimental point of view, it is remarkable that both Raman and PL information can be acquired within the same spectral range of the spectrometer. Additionally, the relationship between the intensities of the Raman band around 517 cm−1 and those of the doublet can be used as an indicator to estimate the quality of each pigment.



自 19 世纪初以来,历史上被称为钴蓝的颜料一直是艺术绘画中使用最广泛的颜料之一。其众多优异的性能导致了当今以钴基颜料为通用名称的颜料的不同合成工艺的快速发展。这些颜料的区分和表征通常很困难,因为即使使用拉曼光谱,它们许多都是由相同的原材料制成的,主要是氧化钴(或盐)和氧化铝(氧化铝)。在这项研究中,使用拉曼光谱仪以红色氦氖激光器(632 nm)作为激发源,对六种钴基商标颜料和两种化学纯化合物(铝酸钴和煅烧氧化铝)进行了分析。应当指出的是,作者在具有这种配置的钴基颜料中仅检测到了与铝酸钴相关的517 cm -1附近的拉曼谱带。为了获得更多信息,这项工作的一个基本目的是检测这些化合物中锻烧氧化铝(α-氧化铝)残留物发出的光致发光(PL),特别是位于 1367 和 1367 处的强双峰形式。 1396厘米-1。从实验的角度来看,值得注意的是,可以在光谱仪的相同光谱范围内同时获取拉曼和PL信息。另外,517cm -1附近的拉曼带的强度与双峰的拉曼带的强度之间的关系可以用作评价每种颜料的质量的指标。