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Breaking away from the landscape - Former teammates, now adversaries: Analysis of the development of the communications between open landscape and settlements (1845–2023)
Environmental Development ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envdev.2023.100958
Jan Maňas , Jan Kabrhel

Based on both historical and recent maps, this paper discusses the trend of nearly 200 years of development of the communications network between settlements and open landscape in the Czech Republic. In this Central European country, the development was quite dramatic. Firstly, due to the intended transformation towards a centrally planned economy and state ownership. Secondly, the transformation took a U-turn towards privatisation and consequently, suburbanisation has caused significant pressure for development over the last decades.



本文基于历史和近期地图,讨论了捷克共和国近 200 年来定居点与开放景观之间的通讯网络的发展趋势。在这个中欧国家,发展相当引人注目。首先,由于计划经济和公有制经济的转型。其次,转型转向私有化,郊区化给过去几十年的发展带来了巨大压力。