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SYSFLOW: Efficient Execution Platform for IoT Devices
arXiv - CS - Operating Systems Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: arxiv-2312.04871
Jun Lu, Zhenya Ma, Yinggang Gao, Ju Ren, Yaoxue Zhang

Traditional executable delivery models pose challenges for IoT devices with limited storage, necessitating the download of complete executables and dependencies. Network solutions like NFS, designed for data files, encounter high IO overhead for irregular access patterns. This paper introduces SYSFLOW, a lightweight network-based executable delivery system for IoT. SYSFLOW delivers on-demand, redirecting local disk IO to the server through optimized network IO. To optimize cache hit rates, SYSFLOW employs server-side action-based prefetching, reducing latency by 45.1% to 75.8% compared to native Linux filesystems on SD cards. In wired environments, SYSFLOW's latency is up to 67.7% lower than NFS. In wireless scenarios, SYSFLOW performs 22.9% worse than Linux, comparable with Linux and outperforming NFS by up to 60.7%. While SYSFLOW's power consumption may be 6.7% higher than NFS, it offers energy savings due to lower processing time.



传统的可执行交付模型给存储有限的物联网设备带来了挑战,需要下载完整的可执行文件和依赖项。NFS 等专为数据文件设计的网络解决方案会因不规则的访问模式而遇到高 IO 开销。本文介绍了 SYSFLOW,一种用于物联网的轻量级基于网络的可执行交付系统。SYSFLOW 按需提供,通过优化的网络 IO 将本地磁盘 IO 重定向到服务器。为了优化缓存命中率,SYSFLOW 采用服务器端基于操作的预取,与 SD 卡上的本机 Linux 文件系统相比,延迟减少了 45.1% 至 75.8%。在有线环境中,SYSFLOW 的延迟比 NFS 降低高达 67.7%。在无线场景下,SYSFLOW 的性能比 Linux 差 22.9%,与 Linux 相当,比 NFS 性能高出 60.7%。虽然 SYSFLOW 的功耗可能比 NFS 高 6.7%,但由于处理时间较短,因此可以节省能源。