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Absolute dating of construction materials and petrological characterisation of mortars from the Santalla de Bóveda Monument (Lugo, Spain)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-023-01916-z
Rebeca Blanco-Rotea , Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez , David M. Freire-Lista , Rosa Benavides-García

The construction materials of the Santalla de Bóveda Monument, one of the most studied buildings in Galicia (Spain), are analysed to date the mortars and bricks of walls and vaults by combining three dating techniques: optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and thermoluminescence. Petrological characterisation of the mortars themselves is carried out. Until now, the paintings on the vault have been interpreted as Roman, early Christian or Pre-Romanesque, depending on the interpretative framework used by the researcher who studied them. There is also no consensus on their functionality. A total of 21 samples were collected, and 39 datings were made. The results are conclusive: the original building dates from the second half of the fourth century AD, the paintings date from the beginning of the seventh century or the upper floor from the tenth to twelfth centuries. These results make it necessary to review the history of Galician architecture between Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval Ages.



Santalla de Bóveda 纪念碑是加利西亚(西班牙)研究最多的建筑之一,通过结合三种测年技术:光激发光、放射性碳和热释光,对桑塔拉德博维达纪念碑的建筑材料进行了分析,以测定墙壁和拱顶的砂浆和砖块的年代。对迫击炮本身进行岩石学表征。到目前为止,拱顶上的绘画被解释为罗马式、早期基督教式或前罗马式,具体取决于研究它们的研究人员所使用的解释框架。对于它们的功能也没有达成共识。共采集21个样品,进行39次测年。结果是确凿的:原始建筑的历史可以追溯到公元四世纪下半叶,绘画的历史可以追溯到七世纪初,而上层的历史可以追溯到十世纪至十二世纪。这些结果使得有必要回顾一下古代晚期和中世纪早期加利西亚建筑的历史。
