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Behavioral responses to natural rewards in developing male and female rats
Developmental Psychobiology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-10 , DOI: 10.1002/dev.22448
Sasha Oak 1 , Christine Nguyen 1 , Paolaenid Rodney‐Hernández 1 , Millie Rincón‐Cortés 1

Reward deficits are a hallmark feature of multiple psychiatric disorders and often recapitulated in rodent models useful for the study of psychiatric disorders, including those employing early life stress. Moreover, rodent studies have shown sex differences during adulthood in response to natural and drug rewards under normative conditions and in stress-based rodent models. Yet, little is known about the development of reward-related responses under normative conditions, including how these may differ in rats of both sexes during early development. Comparing reward-related behavioral responses between developing male and female rats may be useful for understanding how these processes may be affected in rodent models relevant to psychiatric disorders. To this end, we tested behavioral responses to natural rewards in male and female rats using sucrose consumption, sweet palatable food intake and social play tests at two timepoints (peripuberty, adolescence). Our results suggest comparable responses to consummatory and social rewards in male and female rats during peripuberty and adolescence as no sex differences were found for sucrose preference, chocolate candy intake or a subset of play behaviors (dorsal contacts, pins). These findings suggest that sex differences in response to these natural rewards emerge and may be more robust during adulthood.


