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A half-century reflection on pleasure vacation motives
Annals of Tourism Research ( IF 13.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2023.103692
John L. Crompton , James F. Petrick

A half-century of research purporting to explain tourists' motivations for engaging in pleasure vacations was critiqued. Two major changes in context that have influenced tourism motivation studies, and which define the parameters of this review are identified. This is followed by a description of the Theory of Disequilibrium, which has emerged as the unifying theory for explaining tourists' motivation, and the physiological and psychological roots of motive constructs. Research findings relating to the efficacy of the most frequently cited frameworks in tourism texts for explaining this process were critiqued. The review confirmed that most studies tended to embrace either the “push” and “pull” factors which are the inputs to Expectancy-Value Theory, or a more instinctive Thematic-Combination Heuristic approach, or some combination of the two. These were critiqued. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research.



