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Discerning Religion's Holistic Character and Ecumenical Capability in a Pluralistic Society: The Potential Contribution of the Integral Theory
Journal of Ecumenical Studies Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1353/ecu.2022.a914306
Julius-Kei Kato


What is the role that religion (or its inner discourse known as “theology”) can play in modern secular societies that are characterized by pluralism and diversity? Does it still have a legitimate presence that could be a force for good, especially to further peace and harmony in our globalized world? This essay endeavors to respond to these urgent questions by proposing a concrete discernment tool, something that would act like a conceptual map of what is proposed as the ideal, most holistic kind of religion-spirituality that could make a valuable contribution even to pluralistic societies, one that is envisioned to be more comprehensive, inclusive, and complete; one that can be described as truly “ecumenical” and “without walls”; one that is able to include and embrace the whole world with all its diversity. The discernment tool/conceptual map recommended here is the “Integral Theory.” This essay suggests that the Integral Theory as a whole and its key components carry a promising potential to discern forms of religion, theology, and spirituality as to their holistic and integral character. It also provides key insights on how a particular religious tradition or spirituality could move toward a greater wholeness and ecumenical capability and thus be a true force for good in today’s pluralistic and diverse world.




