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Effects of communicating the rise of climate migration on public perceptions of climate change and migration
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 7.649 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102210
Kaitlin T. Raimi , Melanie Sarge , Nathaniel Geiger , Ash Gillis , Julia Lee Cunningham

Climate change-induced migration is a rapidly increasing phenomenon estimated to affect millions of people in the coming decades. With increasing media coverage of climate migration, including within the United States, it is critical to understand how to effectively communicate about this issue. In two high-powered experiments of U.S. Democrats and Republicans (& leaners; Study 1: N = 1452; Study 2: N = 1873), we test the effects of fictional news coverage about domestic and international climate-induced migration on climate change and migration risk perceptions, warmth toward migrants, and policy support. We also tested whether including a personal story about a specific migrant alongside numerical trends could increase support for climate change mitigation and aiding potential migrants. Impacts on climate outcomes were minimal: in Study 1, those exposed to different message frames reported similar climate policy support and risk perception in Study 1, and, in Study 2, domestic (but not international) climate migration coverage slightly increased climate risk perceptions and marginally increased mitigation policy support compared to a no-message baseline. In both studies, international migration was perceived as riskier to Americans than domestic migration, and coverage of international migration heighted this perceived risk. Coverage of domestic climate migration, on the other hand, did not boost risk perceptions of that type of migration. Furthermore, coverage of international climate migration led to greater support for adaptation infrastructure to help potential migrants stay home but did not affect support for policies to help migration. Contrary to expectations, the inclusion of personal stories did not affect warmth toward migrants in either study. Political affiliation dominated associations with all climate change and migration outcomes, likely obscuring potential framing effects. These results suggest that coverage about climate-induced migration may face challenges in shifting entrenched public opinion and policy support. Communicators should be aware of the limitations of using this type of coverage to promote constructive actions to address climate change and migration.



气候变化引起的移民是一种迅速增长的现象,估计将在未来几十年影响数百万人。随着媒体对气候移民的报道越来越多,包括在美国国内,了解如何有效地沟通这一问题至关重要。在美国民主党和共和党的两项高强度实验中(&leaners;研究 1:N  = 1452;研究 2:N  = 1873),我们测试了关于国内和国际气候引起的移民的虚构新闻报道对气候变化和移民风险认知、对移民的热情和政策支持。我们还测试了将特定移民的个人故事与数字趋势一起纳入是否可以增加对减缓气候变化和帮助潜在移民的支持。对气候结果的影响微乎其微:在研究 1 中,那些接触不同消息框架的人报告了与研究 1 类似的气候政策支持和风险认知,并且在研究 2 中,国内(但不是国际)气候移民覆盖范围略微增加了气候风险认知和风险认知。与无信息基线相比,缓解政策支持略有增加。在这两项研究中,美国人认为国际移民比国内移民面临更大的风险,而对国际移民的报道则加剧了这种认知风险。另一方面,对国内气候移民的报道并没有提高人们对此类移民的风险认知。此外,对国际气候移民的报道导致对适应基础设施的更大支持,以帮助潜在移民留在家乡,但并不影响对帮助移民的政策的支持。与预期相反,在这两项研究中,个人故事的纳入并没有影响对移民的热情。政治立场主导了所有气候变化和移民结果的关联,可能掩盖了潜在的框架效应。这些结果表明,有关气候引起的移民的报道可能面临改变根深蒂固的公众舆论和政策支持的挑战。传播者应该意识到使用此类报道来促进解决气候变化和移民问题的建设性行动的局限性。
