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Next-generation epidemiologic cohorts for cancer aetiology
Nature Reviews Cancer ( IF 78.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-15 , DOI: 10.1038/s41568-023-00652-9
Scarlett Lin Gomez , Iona Cheng

Epidemiologic cohorts of cancer aetiology have contributed substantially to the current understanding of cancer risk factors. Advancements in technologies could facilitate more precise, efficient and scalable assessments of emerging risk factors, ranging from ‘cells to society’. Because of the increasingly recognized necessity of addressing the roles of structural and social determinants of health, as well as the inclusion of underserved and understudied populations, a new generation of epidemiologic cohorts for cancer is warranted. Epidemiologic cohorts of cancer have contributed to the current understanding of cancer risk factors. In this Comment, Gomez and Cheng advocate for a new generation of cohorts that include underserved and understudied populations, and also address the roles of structural and social determinants of health.


