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Low-temperature electrolytes for electrochemical energy storage devices: bulk and interfacial properties
Flexible and Printed Electronics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-26 , DOI: 10.1088/2058-8585/acf943
Long Yang , Ming Chen , Taizheng Wu , Liang Niu , Liang Zeng , Guang Feng

The optimization of electrochemical energy storage devices (EES) for low-temperature conditions is crucial in light of the growing demand for convenient living in such environments. Sluggish ion transport or the freezing of electrolytes at the electrode-electrolyte interface are the primary factors that limit the performance of EES under low temperatures, leading to fading of capacity and instability in device performance. This review provides a comprehensive overview of antifreeze strategies for various electrolytes (including aqueous electrolytes, organic electrolytes, and ionic liquids), and optimization methods for ion transport at the electrolyte-electrode. Additionally, the main challenges and forward-looking views are highlighted on the design and development of low-temperature electrolytes and EES devices.


