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Workshop 3 report: Infrastructure, services and urban development
Research in Transportation Economics ( IF 2.904 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.retrec.2023.101396
Lisa Hansson , Waiyan Leong

Workshop 3 concentrated its discussion on critical factors for strategic transport planning, implementation, and service provision in the post-pandemic era. The workshop report makes a strong case for social and environmental considerations to be included in transport and land use planning. Bottom-up and top-down processes must converge, and policies that put focus on equity in transport planning are needed. In this also lies a recognition of the benefits of transport services for all and, in turn, the importance of threshold services that are inclusive. In the discussion on service improvement and wider benefits, there is a need to recognise the value of transport and distribution of resources. This is linked to better use of existing resources and working with methods that capture the value of transport improvements. Drawing on the discussion on service improvement, it is also recognised that there is a need to further develop objective decision-making tools that assess the outcomes of planned processes. This includes taking into account a wider social perspective in existing methods and further develop the existing tools traditionally used in transport planning.


研讨会 3 报告:基础设施、服务和城市发展

