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iSTART-Early and Now I Can Read: Effective Reading Strategies for Young Readers
The Reading Teacher ( IF 1.783 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 , DOI: 10.1002/trtr.2270
Micah Watanabe , Tracy Arner , Danielle McNamara

Students in the 3rd and 4th grade often encounter what has been called a reading “slump” when their class curriculums increasingly ask them to comprehend and learn from texts. Students are more likely to struggle if they have not been offered sufficient opportunities to build world and domain knowledge and engage in challenging comprehension tasks while developing their reading skills. Thus, it is essential to give young readers opportunities to build their world and domain knowledge and to teach them comprehension strategies such as asking questions, paraphrasing, and self-explaining. This paper introduces iSTART-Early, an intelligent tutoring system designed to provide instruction and practice opportunities for students to learn comprehension strategies and build knowledge about diverse topics. The theoretical foundations, history and efficacy, and design of iSTART-Early are discussed.



当三年级和四年级的学生越来越多地要求他们理解课文并从课文中学习时,他们经常会遇到所谓的阅读“低谷”。如果学生没有获得足够的机会来构建世界和领域知识并参与具有挑战性的理解任务,同时发展他们的阅读技能,他们更有可能陷入困境。因此,有必要为年轻读者提供建立他们的世界和领域知识的机会,并教他们提出问题、释义和自我解释等理解策略。本文介绍了 iSTART-Early,这是一个智能辅导系统,旨在为学生提供学习理解策略和建立有关不同主题的知识的指导和练习机会。讨论了 iSTART-Early 的理论基础、历史和功效以及设计。