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Control of Properties of Iron-Carbon Alloys Produced by Aluminothermy by Varying Technological Factors
Metallurgist ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s11015-023-01611-3
N. V. Barsukova , O. N. Komarov , S. G. Zhilin , V. V. Predein , A. V. Popov , V. A. Khudyakova

Searching for alternatives to diversification of production facilities that do not require significant material and energy costs is relevant in the face of pressing external factors. One of the promising technological fields of alloy production in metallurgy is the application of aluminothermic processes of remelting of thermite charge consisting of secondary materials (scale, chips of ferrous and nonferrous metals), used to produce a wide range of metal products without significant costs associated with the reequipment of production units. The possibility of controlling the parameters of alloys and properties of the final metal product formed by aluminothermic processes is implemented primarily by reducing the temperature of the metal phase of the melt by introducing inert fillers into the composition of mixtures, as well as holding the melt in the crucible before casting. The chemical composition, structure, and physical and mechanical properties of iron-carbon alloys are significant in forming several operational characteristics. The paper presents experiments aimed at studying the effect of the initial components of thermite charge materials used to produce iron-carbon alloys in aluminothermic processes, as well as the melt holding time in a crucible before casting on the chemical composition, microstructure, hardness, strength indicators, and the fracture characteristics. The focus of experimental investigations is on industrial applications in the metallurgical and machine-building sectors.



