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“They Were Just Eating to Live”: The Social Archaeology of Ottoman Foodways and Ceramics
Historical Archaeology Pub Date : 2023-12-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s41636-023-00476-2
Joanita Vroom

The article offers a large-scope assessment of archaeological and ethnoarchaeological research on foodways within the core Mediterranean heartlands of the Ottoman Empire. It integrates evidence from a range of historical and archaeological sources, both terrestrial and underwater. After presenting an overview of 30 years of scholarship on the subject, it introduces the Ottoman manner of eating, cooking, and dining with the help of glazed tablewares and unglazed coarse wares from archaeological contexts. Furthermore, it shows the means of transportation and the trade routes for foodstuffs, as well as the ways in which they were cooked and consumed, from the sultan’s court to country folk in rural villages.



该文章对奥斯曼帝国地中海核心腹地的食物通道的考古学和民族考古学研究进行了大范围的评估。它整合了来自陆地和水下的一系列历史和考古来源的证据。在概述了该主题 30 年来的学术成果后,它介绍了奥斯曼帝国的饮食、烹饪和借助考古背景中的釉面餐具和无釉粗制品进餐的方式。此外,它还展示了食品的运输方式和贸易路线,以及从苏丹宫廷到农村乡村民众的烹饪和消费方式。
