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Informativeness of Blood L-Lactate and Integral Leukocyte Indices for Prediction of Severe Mycoplasmosis in Calves
Russian Agricultural Sciences Pub Date : 2023-12-26 , DOI: 10.3103/s1068367423050038
A. E. Chernitskiy , I. A. Shkuratova , A. P. Poryvaeva , E. V. Pechura , O. G. Tomskikh


The study was carried out to assess the informativeness of blood L-lactate and integral leukocyte indices to predict severe mycoplasmosis in calves naturally infected with M. bovis. In the conditions of agricultural enterprises of the Ural Federal District, daily clinical observation of 36 Holstein calves naturally infected with M. bovis at the age of 10–15 days was carried out for 1 month. In blood samples obtained from the jugular vein of animals at the first signs of the disease, the content of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, and also hematocrit was determined on an Abacus Junior Vet analyzer (Diatron), the concentration of L-lactate was determined by reaction with paraoxy-diphenyl on a UV-1800 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu), a differential count of leukocytes in blood smears stained according to Romanovsky-Giemsa was performed on an Olympus BX43 microscope (Olympus, Japan), and the integral leukocyte indices, the Krebs’ index (KI), the leukocyte intoxication index of Ya.Ya. Kalf-Kalif (LII), reactive neutrophil response by T.Sh. Khabirov (RNR), adaptation index (AI), Bredeck’s index (BI), nuclear shift index (NSI), lymphocyte-granulocyte index (LGI), neutrophil-monocyte ratio index (NMR), index of blood leukocyte shift (BLSI), lymphocyte-monocyte ratio index (LMR), and lymphocyte-neutrophil ratio (LNR) were also calculated. A mild and moderate course of mycoplasmosis was established in 22 (61.1%) calves and a severe course in 14 (38.9%). In animals predisposed to a severe course of the disease, an increased level of L-lactate in the blood was recorded at the first clinical signs of the disease: > 1.68 mmol/l, AI > 1.57 units, LGI > 16.7 units, LNR > 1.41 units, reduced KI < 0.645 units, and BLSI < 0.600 units. The informativeness of predictors for prognosticating severe mycoplasmosis in calves was assessed as very good, sensitivity was 71.4–85.7% and specificity was 81.8–90.9%. The accumulation of L-lactate in the blood of animals and changes in leukocyte indices (AI, LGI, LNR, KI, BLSI) are interrelated.


血液 L-乳酸和白细胞积分指数对预测犊牛严重支原体病的信息价值


该研究的目的是评估血液 L-乳酸和白细胞积分指数的信息量,以预测自然感染牛分枝杆菌的小牛的严重支原体病。在乌拉尔联邦区农业企业的条件下,对 36 头10-15 天龄自然感染牛分枝杆菌的荷斯坦牛犊进行了为期 1 个月的日常临床观察。在疾病最初迹象时从动物颈静脉采集的血液样本中,用 Abacus Junior Vet 分析仪 (Diatron) 测定血红蛋白、红细胞、白细胞、血小板以及血细胞比容的含量,L-乳酸的浓度在 UV-1800 分光光度计(岛津)上通过与对氧二苯反应测定,在 Olympus BX43 显微镜(奥林巴斯,日本)上对根据 Romanovsky-Giemsa 染色的血涂片中的白细胞进行分类计数,并计算积分白细胞指数,克雷布斯指数(KI),Ya.Ya的白细胞中毒指数。Kalf-Kalif (LII),T.Sh 的反应性中性粒细胞反应。Khabirov (RNR)、适应指数 (AI)、Bredeck 指数 (BI)、核位移指数 (NSI)、淋巴细胞-粒细胞指数 (LGI)、中性粒细胞-单核细胞比值指数 (NMR)、血白细胞位移指数 (BLSI)、还计算了淋巴细胞-单核细胞比率指数(LMR)和淋巴细胞-中性粒细胞比率(LNR)。22 头犊牛 (61.1%) 患有轻度和中度支原体病,14 头犊牛 (38.9%) 患有严重支原体病。在易患严重疾病的动物中,在疾病出现第一个临床症状时记录到血液中 L-乳酸水平升高:> 1.68 mmol/l,AI > 1.57 单位,LGI > 16.7 单位,LNR > 1.41 单位,减少的 KI < 0.645 单位,并且 BLSI < 0.600 单位。预测犊牛严重支原体病的预测因子的信息性被评估为非常好,敏感性为 71.4-85.7%,特异性为 81.8-90.9%。动物血液中L-乳酸的积累与白细胞指数(AI、LGI、LNR、KI、BLSI)的变化是相互关联的。
