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Microanalysis of the Chemical Composition of the Surface of Rhescuporis V Staters of AD 274/275
Nanotechnologies in Russia Pub Date : 2023-12-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s2635167623600384
M. G. Abramzon , Yu. Yu. Efimova , N. V. Koptseva , I. A. Saprykina


The chemical composition of the surface of staters of the Bosporan King Rhescuporis V with an erroneous date AΞΦ (561 Bosporan era (BE) = AD 264/265) instead of AOΦ (571 BE = AD 274/275) is studied. The depletion-silvering technique used for the AD 242/243–267/268 staters of Rhescuporis V with a higher amount of silver in the alloy than in that of AD 274/275 was apparently applied to enrich the surface of these staters with silver. The growing shortage of silver from AD 275/276, however, led to further deterioration of the coin and replacement of the depletion-silvering technique with the silvering of the surface of the coins by special pastes.


AD 274/275 的Rhascuporis V Staters 表面化学成分的微量分析


研究了日期为 AΞΦ(561 博斯普鲁斯纪元(BE)= AD 264/265)而不是 AOΦ(571 BE = AD 274/275)的博斯普鲁斯国王雷斯库波里斯 V 的定子表面的化学成分。AD 242/243–267/268 Rhescuporis V 定子所使用的耗尽银技术,其合金中的银含量比 AD 274/275 的银含量更高,显然是为了在这些定子表面富集银。然而,自公元 275/276 年起,白银日益短缺,导致硬币进一步恶化,并用特殊浆料在硬币表面镀银取代了耗尽镀银技术。
