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Modeling and performance analysis of emergency response process for hydrogen leakage and explosion accidents
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105239
Caiping Wang , Linan Wang , Chang Su , Meng Jiang , Zhuo Li , Jun Deng

To address concerns associated with the initial response process following hydrogen refueling station leakage and explosion accidents, this research introduces the utilization of stochastic colored Petri nets for dynamic modeling of the emergency response procedure. Through the construction of a process model for responding to hydrogen leakage and explosion accidents at refueling stations, the model's effectiveness is assessed using an Isomorphic Markov chain (MC) analysis approach, followed by simulation and analysis of the emergency response procedure. Furthermore, the performance of the emergency process in managing hydrogen leakage and explosion accidents at refueling stations is evaluated, considering place occupancy probabilities and transition utilization probabilities. By optimizing the timing of transitions, critical stages in the process for handling hydrogen leakage and explosion accidents at hydrogen refueling stations are identified, and recommendations for process enhancement are proposed. The findings reveal that continuous hydrogen leakage conditions and the phase involving the summoning of rescue personnel are prone to information congestion. The timely arrival of the on-site manager and the prompt reporting of incident details emerge as pivotal actions within the emergency response process for hydrogen refueling station leakage and combustion incidents. These actions wield substantial influence over the efficacy of emergency response and mitigation, underscoring their significance as primary areas for improvement.



为了解决加氢站泄漏和爆炸事故后的初始响应过程相关的问题,本研究引入了利用随机彩色 Petri 网对应急响应过程进行动态建模。通过构建加氢站氢气泄漏和爆炸事故响应流程模型,采用同构马尔可夫链(MC)分析方法评估模型有效性,并对应急响应流程进行仿真分析。此外,还考虑了地点占用概率和过渡利用概率,评估了应急流程在管理加氢站氢气泄漏和爆炸事故方面的表现。通过优化过渡时机,识别出加氢站氢气泄漏和爆炸事故处理流程中的关键阶段,并提出流程强化建议。研究结果表明,持续的氢气泄漏情况以及呼叫救援人员的阶段容易出现信息拥塞。现场管理人员的及时到达和事件详细信息的及时报告成为加氢站泄漏和燃烧事故应急响应过程中的关键行动。这些行动对应急响应和缓解措施的有效性产生了重大影响,凸显了它们作为主要改进领域的重要性。
