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Laser surface textures enhance the friction and wear behaviour of orthodontic brackets
Lubrication Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-25 , DOI: 10.1002/ls.1682
Kai Zhou 1 , Zonglin Pan 1 , Xin Luo 1 , Ping Yang 1 , Pengfei Wang 1

Minimising the friction force of the archwire-bracket sliding contact is crucial for achieving a high-quality orthodontic treatment. Micro-dimples and micro-grooves textures were successfully produced on the two slot surfaces of the stainless steel orthodontic brackets with the laser surface texturing technology. The effect of surface texture on reducing the friction and wear behaviour of the stainless steel archwire-bracket sliding contact combinations in artificial saliva environment was investigated. Friction coefficients of less than 0.15 and mild wear were obtained by using the three rows micro-grooves textured bracket with a width of 60 μm and a spacing of 150 μm. The friction and wear performance was further enhanced with the addition of orthodontic wax materials. It was strongly argued that the synergetic effects of the fabricated micro-grooves texture and the added orthodontic wax materials leading to the outstanding friction and wear behaviour of the archwire-bracket sliding contacts.


