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Seasonal Changes in Stratospheric Circulation and Interactions between the Troposphere and the Stratosphere
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-25 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001433823060075
Y. P. Perevedentsev , N. V. Ismagilov , N. A. Mirsaeva , V. V. Guryanov , A. A. Nikolaev , K. M. Shantalinsky


Based on the data of ERA5 reanalysis, the dates of spring and autumn changes in the stratospheric circulation on isobaric surfaces of 30, 20, and 10 hPa in the latitude zone of 30°–90° N in the period 1979–2020 have been obtained. Of the 42 cases of spring changes, 10 are early, 15 are middle, and 17 are late. The spread in the dates of spring changes on the surface of 10 hPa is 69 days. Most often, the spring changes of the circulation occurs from top to bottom; in some years, the delay of spring changes on the surface of 30 hPa relative to the surface of 10 hPa reaches 22–25 days. Autumn change takes place from the bottom up, and their terms at the 3 levels under consideration are close to each other. The relationship between the timing of the spring changes of the stratospheric circulation with solar activity and large sudden winter stratospheric warming is shown. An analysis of the fields of anomalies of daily temperature values and zonal wind velocity in the 1000-1 hPa layer in the period of January–May showed their significant spatiotemporal difference in the case of early and late spring changes. Thus, foci of positive anomalies of temperature and wind speed are formed initially in the upper stratosphere and then shifted from top to bottom. The interrelations between the layers of the atmosphere in different seasons are considered.




基于ERA5再分析数据,获得了1979-2020年北纬30°~90°地区30、20、10 hPa等压面平流层环流春秋季变化数据。42例春变中,早变10例,中变15例,晚变17例。10 hPa 地面春季变化日期的跨度为 69 天。最常见的是,循环的弹簧变化发生在从上到下;有的年份,30 hPa地面春季变化相对10 hPa地面的春季变化延迟达22~25天。秋天的变化是自下而上发生的,并且它们在所考虑的三个层次上的术语彼此接近。显示了春季平流层环流变化与太阳活动的时间和冬季平流层突然变暖之间的关系。对1—5月1000-1 hPa层日气温值和纬向风速距平场的分析表明,早春和晚春时它们的时空变化显着。因此,温度和风速的正异常焦点最初形成于平流层上部,然后从顶部转移到底部。考虑了不同季节大气层之间的相互关系。
