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The effects of a free universal after-school program on child academic outcomes
Economics of Education Review ( IF 2.083 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2023.102504
Nina Drange , Astrid Marie Jorde Sandsør

After-school programs provide structured care throughout the academic year. In Norway, after-school programs are an integrated part of school, used to extend the school day to a full working day. Participation is voluntary and is subject to fees paid by parents. In 2016/17, the municipality of Oslo gradually introduced and expanded an offer of free part-time participation in its after-school program, starting with city districts with a high share of children with an immigrant background who were underrepresented in the program at the time. We utilize the staggered rollout of this policy to investigate the effects on enrollment and learning outcomes and conduct an exploratory analysis of student welfare and maternal labor supply. We find that the take-up was substantial, raising enrollment rates from about 70 to 95% in the first wave of affected schools. Despite this, our difference-in-differences estimates show no overall effect of the program on academic performance, neither on average nor across subgroups. There is also little evidence that the program enhanced student well-being or decreased bullying. Heterogeneity analysis does, however, suggest that the program increased earnings for mothers with an immigrant background by about 10 percent.



课后项目在整个学年提供结构化的护理。在挪威,课外活动是学校的一个组成部分,用于将上课时间延长到一个完整的工作日。参与是自愿的,并需由家长支付费用。2016/2017 年,奥斯陆市逐步推出并扩大了免费兼职参与其课外计划的范围,首先从移民背景儿童比例较高的城区开始,而这些儿童在该计划中的比例不足。时间。我们利用这项政策的分期推出来调查其对入学和学习成果的影响,并对学生福利和孕产妇劳动力供应进行探索性分析。我们发现,第一批受影响学校的入学率从 70% 左右提高到 95%。尽管如此,我们的双重差异估计显示该计划对学业成绩没有总体影响,无论是平均水平还是亚组之间。也没有什么证据表明该计划提高了学生的福祉或减少了欺凌行为。然而,异质性分析确实表明,该计划使有移民背景的母亲的收入增加了约 10%。
