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Hand hygiene practices among primary and secondary school students in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.2166/washdev.2023.222
Obadia Kyetuza Bishoge 1 , Mwanaidi Omary 1 , Edwin Liheluka 1 , Jonathan Mcharo Mshana 1 , Maryyusta Nguyamu 1 , Yolanda Joseph Mbatia 1 , Robert Mussa Njee 1 , Mwanaidi Kafuye 1

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The purpose of this study was to comprehensively appraise and synthesize studies on hand hygiene practices among primary and secondary school students in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This is a thorough review of scientific papers published between 2015 and 2023 from primary databases such as the Web of Science, Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The review criteria were met by 26 out of 63 studies assessed for legibility. The review demonstrated that students in SSA had moderate and good hand washing practices in terms of regular hand washing, cleaning hands after defecation, and before and after eating. Furthermore, the review pinpoints hand washing practices as influenced by factors such as knowledge, hand washing facilities and materials, influences from parents and teachers or others, personal and social factors, media, gender, age, and other factors such as location, attitudes, and school modernity. Furthermore, the reviewed studies highlighted recommendations for improving hand hygiene practices, such as enhancing hand hygiene and environmental health education, mobilizing resources for hand washing, creating and implementing health policy, and conducting further studies. This review provides data for policymakers on how to improve student hand hygiene and adds to existing knowledge on hand hygiene practices.




本研究的目的是全面评估和综合撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)中小学生手部卫生习惯的研究。这是对 2015 年至 2023 年在 Web of Science、Science Direct、PubMed 和 Google Scholar 等主要数据库中发表的科学论文的全面回顾。63 项易读性评估研究中有 26 项符合审查标准。审查表明,SSA的学生在定期洗手、便后清洁双手、饭前饭后清洁双手等方面具有适度和良好的洗手习惯。此外,该审查指出洗手实践受到以下因素的影响:知识、洗手设施和材料、父母和老师或其他人的影响、个人和社会因素、媒体、性别、年龄以及其他因素,如地点、态度、和学校的现代化。此外,审查的研究还强调了改善手部卫生习惯的建议,例如加强手部卫生和环境健康教育、调动洗手资源、制定和实施卫生政策以及开展进一步研究。该审查为政策制定者提供了有关如何改善学生手部卫生的数据,并补充了有关手部卫生实践的现有知识。
