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Does geographic or market proximity matter? Evidence from institutional investor monitoring on earnings attributes in US cross-listed stocks
Bulletin of Economic Research ( IF 0.888 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1111/boer.12433
Sanggyu Kang 1 , Chune Young Chung 2 , Amirhossein Fard 3

This study investigates institutional distance as a factor of investors’ monitoring of corporate earnings attributes. We analyze the US cross-listing market to determine whether institutional monitoring depends on geographic or market proximity. We find that shareholdings of non-US institutions headquartered in the same country as the investee firm are significantly and positively related to earnings quality. However, we do not find such a monitoring role in the United States, or in institutions not incorporated in the investee firm's home country. Our findings support a geographic proximity advantage over market proximity, which is more pronounced when firms’ information opacity is more severe; the results are not altered by the choice of earnings attribute variables.


