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Comparison of Lasmiditan 200 mg Versus 100 mg for Migraine Patients: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies.
Clinical Neuropharmacology ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-18 , DOI: 10.1097/wnf.0000000000000567
Chuan Zhong , Xuanqin Zhang , Guoyong Qin , Jixiang Wu , Yongpan Tian

The ideal dose of lasmiditan for migraine is not clear. This meta-analysis aims to compare the efficacy of lasmiditan 200 mg versus 100 mg for migraine patients.


Lasmiditan 200 mg 与 100 mg 对偏头痛患者的比较:随机对照研究的荟萃分析。

lasmiditan 治疗偏头痛的理想剂量尚不清楚。这项荟萃分析旨在比较 lasmiditan 200 mg 与 100 mg 对偏头痛患者的疗效。