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Occurrence of Sanionia uncinata sporophytes on King George island, Antarctica: Exploring possible links to climate change
Polar Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polar.2023.101042
Maria Victória Magalhães de Vargas , Sara Navarrete Bohi Goulart , Guilherme Afonso Kessler de Andrade , Rafael Plá Matielo Lemos , Margéli Pereira de Albuquerque , Lorena Ferreira Peixoto , Ana Laura Pereira Lourenço , Mariana Pulrolnik Parrillo de Oliveira , Stephan Machado Dohms , Dafne Adriana Abreu dos Anjos , Marcelo Henrique Soller Ramada , Filipe de Carvalho Victoria

This research note presents a report documenting a rare phenomenon observed in Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske, entailing the presence of sporophytes across eight distinct locations on King George Island, Antarctica. Additionally, it briefly explores the potential correlation between regional warming air temperatures, water availability, and the emergence of these structures, suggesting their utility as indicators of climate change. Given that S. uncinata is recognized as a hygrophilic moss species typically found in well-hydrated environments, our hypothesis posits that the unprecedented development of substantial sporophyte numbers might be a consequence of rapid regional warming in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula. Further investigations are essential to elucidate the potential interplay between shifting climate patterns and the observed proliferation of Sanionia uncinata sporophytes, thereby contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of their ecological responses to environmental fluctuations.


南极洲乔治王岛上 Sanionia uncinata 孢子体的出现:探索与气候变化的可能联系

本研究报告介绍了一份报告,记录了在Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske 中观察到的一种罕见现象,即在南极洲乔治王岛的八个不同地点都存在孢子体。此外,它还简要探讨了区域变暖的气温、可用水量和这些结构的出现之间的潜在相关性,表明它们作为气候变化指标的实用性。鉴于S. uncinata被认为是一种通常在水分充足的环境中发现的嗜湿苔藓物种,我们的假设认为,大量孢子体数量前所未有的发展可能是南极半岛附近区域快速变暖的结果。进一步的研究对于阐明气候模式变化与观察到的 Sanionia uncinata 孢子体增殖之间的潜在相互作用至关重要,从而有助于更全面地了解其对环境波动的生态反应。
