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On integers of the form p+2k1r1+⋯+2ktrt
Journal of Number Theory ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnt.2023.10.018
Yong-Gao Chen , Ji-Zhen Xu

Let r1,,rt be positive integers and let R2(r1,,rt) be the set of positive odd integers that can be represented as p+2k1r1++2ktrt, where p is a prime and k1,,kt are positive integers. It is easy to see that if r11++rt1<1, then the set R2(r1,,rt) has asymptotic density zero. In this paper, we prove that if r11++rt11, then the set R2(r1,,rt) has a positive lower asymptotic density. Several conjectures and open problems are posed for further research.


关于 p+2k1r1+⋯+2ktrt 形式的整数

