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A taxonomic revision of the genus Weberbauerella Ulbr. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) in Peru and Chile
Kew Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12225-023-10136-6
A. Orellana-Garcia , P. Hechenleitner , O. Q. Whaley , J. Capcha-Ramos , J. Moat , G. P. Lewis

The little-known and infrequently collected papilionoid legume genus Weberbauerella, is only known from outlying regions of the Atacama Desert. Presently it comprises three species, one in Chile and two in Peru. These small, woody, perennial species, enigmatic in both occurrence and form, are found growing in isolated populations in climatically extreme conditions. They are characterised by the presence of pustular glands throughout. Here we revise the genus, providing a key to the species, descriptions, distribution maps, illustrations, assessments of conservation status and notes on a northern variant population.


Weberbauerella Ulbr 属的分类学修订。(豆科:蝶形花亚科)分布于秘鲁和智利

