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From fundamental insights to rational (bio)polymer nanocomposite design – Connecting the nanometer to meter scale –
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 15.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2023.103076
Ivanna Colijn , Hanne M. van der Kooij , Karin Schroën

Nanoparticle addition has the potential to make bioplastic use mainstream, as the resultant nanocomposite shows improved mechanical, barrier, and thermal properties. It is well established that the architecture and dynamics of the nanoparticle–polymer interphasial region, ∼ 1.5–9 nm from the nanoparticle surface, are crucial for nanocomposite characteristics. Yet, how these molecular phenomena translate to the bulk is still largely unknown. A multi-disciplinary and multi-scale vision is required to capture the full picture and improve materials far beyond what is currently possible.


从基本见解到合理的(生物)聚合物纳米复合材料设计 – 连接纳米到米尺度 –

添加纳米颗粒有可能使生物塑料成为主流,因为所得纳米复合材料显示出改善的机械、阻隔和热性能。众所周知,纳米颗粒-聚合物界面区域(距离纳米颗粒表面约 1.5-9 nm)的结构和动力学对于纳米复合材料的特性至关重要。然而,这些分子现象如何转化为整体仍然很大程度上未知。需要多学科和多尺度的视野来捕捉全局并改进材料,使其远远超出目前的能力。