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Both the selection and complementarity effects underpin the effect of structural diversity on aboveground biomass in tropical forests
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-29 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13800
Florent Noulèkoun 1 , Sylvanus Mensah 2 , Kangbéni Dimobe 3, 4 , Emiru Birhane 5, 6 , Eguale Tadesse Kifle 7 , Jesse Naab 8 , Yowhan Son 9 , Asia Khamzina 1

Despite mounting empirical evidence regarding the positive effects of forest structural diversity (STRDIV) on forest functioning, the underlying biotic mechanisms and controlling abiotic factors remain poorly understood. This study provides the first assessment of the interactive effects of STRDIV and diversity in species and functional traits on aboveground biomass (AGB) in natural forests in West and East Africa.



尽管越来越多的经验证据表明森林结构多样性(STR DIV )对森林功能的积极影响,但其潜在的生物机制和控制非生物因素仍然知之甚少。本研究首次评估了 STR DIV与物种多样性和功能性状对西非和东非天然林地上生物量 (AGB) 的相互作用影响。