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Therapy for the Dead: Working Clinically with Jung's Black Books and The Red Book
Journal of Analytical Psychology Pub Date : 2023-12-30 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-5922.12973
Ginny Hill 1

With the 2020 publication of the facsimile edition of The Black Books, we have an opportunity to study the layers of C. G. Jung's creative writing process for the first time. In this paper, I explore Jung's practice of active imagination in relation to his fantasy dialogues with the dead during two specific episodes in 1914 and 1916. I discuss Jung's concept of the collective unconscious corresponding to the “mythic land of the dead” and I show how this idea develops in The Black Books and The Red Book, or Liber Novus, culminating in Septem Sermones ad Mortuos. I describe my work with a patient, who, in an early session, said she felt like the "living dead". I recount how the patient's experience of her own internal world began to change as we were able to wonder about the inner world of the patient's late mother and, together, to imagine her mother's lament. I consider the use of imagination when working with the concept of "therapy for the dead" (Hillman & Shamdasani, 2013, p. 164) in the context of intergenerational trauma.



随着 2020 年《黑皮书》传真版的出版,我们首次有机会深入研究 CG Jung 的创作过程。在本文中,我探讨了荣格在 1914 年和 1916 年的两个特定事件中与死者的幻想对话相关的主动想象实践。我讨论了荣格对应于“死者神话之地”的集体无意识概念,并展示了荣格的集体无意识概念。这个想法如何在《黑皮书》《红皮书》(或《新书》)中得到发展,并在《莫托斯的九次布道》中达到顶峰。我描述了我对一位病人的工作,她在早期的治疗中说她感觉自己像“活死人”。我讲述了当我们能够好奇患者已故母亲的内心世界,并一起想象她母亲的哀悼时,患者对自己内心世界的体验如何开始发生变化。我考虑在代际创伤的背景下运用“死者治疗”的概念(Hillman & Shamdasani,2013,第 164 页)时发挥想象力。