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Celebrating 20 years of human genomics: a journey of discovery
Human Genomics ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 , DOI: 10.1186/s40246-023-00569-2
Vasilis Vasiliou

Two decades ago, Henry Stuart Publications launched the journal Human Genomics. Its enduring goal remains to promote and review genomics approaches that address key questions in biomedical research [1]. In 2012, the journal moved to BMC as its publisher, turning it into an open-access, fully online publication ensuring the published research would be shared as broadly as possible [2]. To this day, Human Genomics continues to focus on applying genomic and epigenomic analyses to understand complex human diseases and traits, especially at the genomic level. In 2015, it became the official journal of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO). This year, we proudly celebrate Human Genomics' remarkable two-decade journey. Since its inception, the journal has been significantly contributing to our understanding of the human genome's complexities and its impact on medicine, genetics, human health, and beyond. Human Genomics remains focused on advancing basic research into the human genome and human normal and disease phenotypes.

Today, supported by an international Editorial Board of experts, the journal covers a wide range of topics in human genomics, including pharmacogenomics, genome-wide studies, sequencing, functional genomics, epigenomics, and much more, especially basic research. Human Genomics' strength lies in its ability to address technological advances, from the Human Genome Project to precision medicine, CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It has consistently provided a platform for pioneering work, not only documenting genomics progress but also shaping the field's direction.

Over the past two decades, the journal has played a vital role in fostering a dynamic platform for researchers, scientists, and clinicians to share groundbreaking findings, innovative methodologies, and insightful perspectives. It has been a cornerstone of the human genomics community, promoting collaborative research and facilitating knowledge dissemination that has transformed our understanding of human genetics on topics covering population genetics, genetic variation, disease genetics, pharmacogenomics, and ethical considerations. This comprehensive approach bridges the gap between basic research and real-world applications, integrating genomics into clinical practice.

Following are some particularly noteworthy accomplishments of the journal over the last two decades:

Gene Families: In the fast-paced world of genomics research, staying updated on the latest gene family developments is crucial for scientists and clinicians, especially if they are not experts in this area. Human Genomics introduced the successful Gene Family Updates series which offers comprehensive, up-to-date reviews of select gene families. The identification by Dan Nebert of the value of (and advocacy for) gene names based on amino acid sequence homologies and evolutionary divergence has formed a foundation for the nomenclature of gene families.

Software Reviews: Human Genomics features a highly impactful series of software reviews. Plans for the future include extending this series to explore how advanced analytics, deep machine learning, and artificial intelligence can promote genomics advancements.

Genomics of COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 papers published in the Human Genomics have advanced our understanding of the virus, its transmission, and its interactions with the human genome that influence human susceptibility to disease. These contributions have informed public health measures, vaccine development, and treatment strategies. As the pandemic evolves into the endemic phase and new challenges emerge, Human Genomics remains dedicated to providing a platform for rigorous and innovative research that shapes our response to SARS-CoV-2 and future pandemic health crises.

Special Issues: Human Genomics is renowned for its commitment to advancing the field of genomics through its publication of special issues that delve into cutting-edge topics and emerging trends. These issues serve as curated platforms, bringing together a collection of in-depth articles, reviews, and research findings that explore specific themes within human genomics. With a focus on fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the special issues foster the dissemination of knowledge, and promote a deeper understanding of the complexities and implications of genomic research for human health and disease. Through these publications, the journal plays a crucial role in shaping the discourse and pushing the boundaries of genomic science.

Human Genomics has consistently maintained rigorous editorial standards, ensuring that published research meets the highest quality and relevance criteria. The dedication of its editorial board and expert reviewers has been pivotal in upholding the journal's reputation for excellence.

This is reflected in the impact factor of Human Genomics rising throughout the years to almost 5 in 2023.

While we are proud of the accomplishments of Human Genomics over the past 20 years, we anticipate the coming years will hold the promise of even greater genomics advancements, particularly as they relate to personalized medicine, gene therapies, and a deeper understanding of the genetic basis of complex diseases. The journal will remain a beacon of excellence, guiding curious minds through these transformative times and helping usher in an era of unprecedented innovation and discovery.

In conclusion, Human Genomics has been a steadfast companion on the journey of unraveling the secrets of the human genome. Its enduring commitment to excellence, adaptability, and scholarly rigor has made it an indispensable resource in the human genomics community. As we celebrate its twentieth anniversary, let us look forward to the continued contributions and insights the journal will undoubtedly bring to the world of human genomics in the years to come.

  1. Jin L, Db G. Editorial. Hum Genom. 2003;1:5.

    Article Google Scholar

  2. Vasiliou V, Nebert D. A new home for human genomics. Hum Genom. 2012;6:1 (Pmid: 23244372, Pmcid: Pmc3437565).

    Article Google Scholar

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  1. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, USA

    Vasilis Vasiliou

  1. Vasilis VasiliouView author publications

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VV conceived of this Editorial and was the sole author. Correspondence to Vasilis Vasiliou.

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Correspondence to Vasilis Vasiliou.

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The author is the Editor in Chief of the Human Genomics journal.

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Vasiliou, V. Celebrating 20 years of human genomics: a journey of discovery. Hum Genomics 18, 1 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40246-023-00569-2

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庆祝人类基因组学 20 周年:发现之旅

二十年前,亨利·斯图尔特出版社创办了《人类基因组学》杂志。其持久目标仍然是促进和审查解决生物医学研究中关键问题的基因组学方法[1]。2012 年,该期刊移交给 BMC 作为其出版商,将其转变为开放获取、完全在线的出版物,确保已发表的研究成果能够尽可能广泛地共享 [2]。迄今为止,人类基因组学继续专注于应用基因组和表观基因组分析来了解复杂的人类疾病和特征,特别是在基因组水平上。2015年,它成为人类基因组组织(HUGO)的官方期刊。今年,我们自豪地庆祝人类基因组学非凡的二十年历程。自创刊以来,该杂志一直为我们了解人类基因组的复杂性及其对医学、遗传学、人类健康等的影响做出了重大贡献。人类基因组学仍然专注于推进人类基因组以及人类正常和疾病表型的基础研究。

如今,在国际专家编辑委员会的支持下,该杂志涵盖了人类基因组学的广泛主题,包括药物基因组学、全基因组研究、测序、功能基因组学、表观基因组学等等,特别是基础研究。人类基因组学的优势在于其解决技术进步的能力,从人类基因组计划到精准医学、CRISPR-Cas9 基因编辑和 COVID-19 大流行。它始终为开创性工作提供平台,不仅记录基因组学的进展,而且塑造该领域的方向。



基因家族:在快节奏的基因组学研究领域,了解最新基因家族的发展对于科学家和临床医生来说至关重要,特别是如果他们不是该领域的专家。人类基因组学推出了成功的基因家族更新系列,该系列提供了精选基因家族的全面、最新的评论。Dan Nebert 基于氨基酸序列同源性和进化差异对基因名称的价值进行了鉴定(并倡导),这为基因家族的命名奠定了基础。


COVID-19 基因组学: 《人类基因组学》上发表的 SARS-CoV-2 和 COVID-19 论文加深了我们对病毒、其传播及其与人类基因组相互作用的理解,这些相互作用影响人类对疾病的易感性。这些贡献为公共卫生措施、疫苗开发和治疗策略提供了信息。随着大流行进入流行阶段并出现新的挑战,人类基因组学仍然致力于为严谨和创新的研究提供平台,以帮助我们应对 SARS-CoV-2 和未来的大流行健康危机。



这反映在人类基因组学的影响因子逐年上升,到 2023 年接近 5。

虽然我们对人类基因组学在过去 20 年中取得的成就感到自豪,但我们预计未来几年基因组学将有望取得更大的进步,特别是在个性化医疗、基因治疗以及对遗传基础的更深入了解方面的复杂疾病。该杂志将继续成为卓越的灯塔,引导好奇的头脑度过这些变革时代,并帮助迎来一个前所未有的创新和发现的时代。


  1. Jin L,Db G.社论。哼,吉诺姆。2003;1:5。


  2. Vasiliou V,Nebert D。人类基因组学的新家。哼,吉诺姆。2012;6:1(Pmid:23244372,Pmcid:Pmc3437565)。




  1. 环境健康科学系,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院,纽黑文,美国


  1. Vasilis Vasiliou查看作者出版物

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VV 构思了这篇社论,并且是唯一作者。瓦西利斯·瓦西里乌的通讯。







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Vasiliou, V. 庆祝人类基因组学 20 周年:发现之旅。Hum 基因组学 18 , 1 (2024)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s40246-023-00569-2


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