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Source apportionment and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound elements on winter pollution days in industrial cities on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain, China
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2024.102036
Kai Cheng , Youjiang He , Yuting Zhong , Xia Li , Shuting Li , Maulen Ayitken

Frequent haze pollution during winter crucially affects public health in the urban agglomerations on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains. However, research examining the relationship between local environmental emissions and the associated health hazards is scarce. In this study, PM filter membrane samples were collected from the residential and industrial areas of Shihezi during December 2020–January 2021. Seventeen elements were measured to evaluate the health risks associated with PM. Total element concentrations on severe pollution days were 2.6 and 2.8 times higher than those on low-pollution days in residential and industrial areas, respectively. The sources of elements in residential and industrial areas were resolved into vehicle-related emissions, coal combustion, industrial pollution, dust emissions, and oil combustion using positive matrix factorisation (PMF). In residential areas, a complex mixture of vehicular emissions, coal combustion, and dust pollution is prevalent, whereas industrial parks are more susceptible to industrial pollution. Notably, a significant increase in coal combustion sources was observed during days of severe pollution in the residential areas. Simultaneously, industrial pollution in industrial parks rapidly escalated during days characterised by moderate and severe pollution levels. Combining the methods of source apportionment and health risk assessment, we observed that vehicles, coal combustion, and industrial pollution dominated the non-carcinogenic risk (NCR) of residential and industrial area elements, whereas coal combustion was the most important contributor to induced carcinogenic risk (CR).



冬季频繁的雾霾污染严重影响天山北坡城市群的公众健康。然而,有关当地环境排放与相关健康危害之间关系的研究却很少。本研究于2020年12月至2021年1月期间从石河子市居民区和工业区采集了PM过滤膜样本,测量了17种元素,以评估与PM相关的健康风险。居民区和工业区重度污染日总元素浓度分别是低污染日的2.6倍和2.8倍。使用正矩阵分解(PMF)将住宅区和工业区的元素来源分解为车辆相关排放、煤炭燃烧、工业污染、粉尘排放和石油燃烧。居民区普遍存在汽车尾气、燃煤、扬尘等复杂混合污染问题,而工业园区则更容易受到工业污染的影响。值得注意的是,在居民区污染严重的日子里,燃煤源显着增加。与此同时,工业园区工业污染在中度和重度污染期间迅速加剧。结合源解析和健康风险评估方法,我们观察到,机动车、煤炭燃烧和工业污染在居住区和工业区要素的非致癌风险(NCR)中占主导地位,而煤炭燃烧是诱发致癌风险的最主要贡献者。 (CR)。