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Navigating “Sensitive” States: How Surveillance Practices Affect Research Development between the United States and Iran
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.130 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743823001472
Nat Nesvaderani

I had completed two months of exploratory dissertation research in Tehran in the winter of 2015 when I was called in for questioning by two men who declined to provide me with their names or that of the office they called from. We met in an unmarked building adjacent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in downtown Tehran. They were middle-aged and sat on opposite sides of a table with a framed picture of Ayatollah Khomeini. When they offered me tea, I declined, remembering my cousins’ hurried advice an hour earlier. “God forbid someone puts something in your drink and they take you away to a different location,” he had said.



2015 年冬天,我在德黑兰完成了两个月的探索性论文研究,当时两名男子叫我来接受询问,他们拒绝向我提供他们的姓名或他们打电话的办公室的姓名。我们在德黑兰市中心外交部附近一栋没有标志的建筑里会面。他们都是中年人,坐在一张桌子的两侧,桌子上挂着阿亚图拉霍梅尼的照片。当他们请我喝茶时,我拒绝了,因为想起一小时前表兄弟们匆忙的建议。 “上帝禁止有人在你的饮料里放了一些东西,然后他们会把你带到另一个地方,”他说。
