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Eigenfunctions in Finsler Gaussian solitons
Open Mathematics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 , DOI: 10.1515/math-2023-0167
Caiyun Liu 1 , Songting Yin 1

Gaussian solitons are important examples in the theory of Riemannian measure space. In the first part, we explicitly characterize the first eigenfunctions of the drift Laplacian in a Gaussian shrinking soliton, which shows that apart from each coordinate function, other first eigenfunctions must involve exponential functions and the so-called error functions. Moreover, the second eigenfunctions are also described. In the second part, we discuss the corresponding issues in Finsler Gaussian shrinking solitons, which is a natural generalization of Gaussian shrinking solitons. For the first eigenfunction, we complement an example to show that if a coordinate function is a first eigenfunction, then the Finsler Gaussian shrinking soliton must be a Euclidean measure space. For the second eigenfunction, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for these spaces to be Euclidean measure spaces.


