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Chinese high school students' career development: Associations with academic self-efficacy and motivation
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology ( IF 3.280 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2023.101629
Yanhui Zhao , Huijun Zeng , Xinmei Deng

This research explored the interconnection between career and academic progress in the context of Gaokao pressure among Chinese high school students. Employing a three-wave longitudinal design, 1260 students were analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) over two years. Findings unveiled a positive correlation between career development and academic motivation and self-efficacy. Moreover, the study revealed that career action moderated academic self-efficacy based on the trajectory of career development. Increasing career development positively impacted academic self-efficacy, while declining career development had a negative effect. These results underscore the necessity for tailored career education interventions. Students with well-established career development can benefit from practical opportunities, whereas those with less mature development can benefit from comprehensive career information. This study offers valuable insights for educators and policymakers to foster optimal academic and career advancement among Chinese high school students.
