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A General Simulation Method for Complex Deformation of Irregular-Shaped Origami Configurations
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10338-023-00443-7
Zhaochen Dong , Yichao Zhu , Xu Guo

Most existing treatments for origami-folding simulations have focused on regular-shaped configurations. This article aims to introduce a general strategy for simulating and analyzing the deformation process of irregular shapes by means of computational capabilities nowadays. To better simulate origami deformation with folding orders, the concept of plane follow-up is introduced to achieve automated computer simulation of complex folding patterns, thereby avoiding intersection and penetration between planes. Based on the evaluation criteria such as the lowest storage energy with tightening and the fastest pace from tightening to unfolding, the optimal crease distribution patterns for four irregular (‘N’-, ‘T’-, ‘O’-, and ‘P’-shaped) origami configurations are then presented under five candidates. When the dimensions of the origami are fixed, it is discovered that simpler folding patterns lead to faster deformation of the origami configuration. When the folding complexity is fixed, higher strain energy results in more rapid origami expansion.



