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An attention mechanism model based on positional encoding for the prediction of ship maneuvering motion in real sea state
Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s00773-023-00978-x
Lei Dong , Hongdong Wang , Jiankun Lou

This paper proposes an positional encoding-based attention mechanism model which can quantify the temporal correlation of ship maneuvering motion to predict the future ship motion in real sea state. To represent the temporal information of the sequential motion status, the positional encoding consisted by sine and cosine functions of different frequencies is chosen as the input of the model. First, the reasonableness of the improved architecture of the model is validated on the standard turning test datasets of an unmanned surface vehicle. Then, the absolute positional encoding based-scaled-dot product attention mechanism model is compared with other two attention mechanism models with different positional encoding and attention calculation methods and its superiority is verified. As demonstrated by exhaustive experiments, the model has the highest prediction accuracy when the input sequence length equals the output sequence length and the accuracy defined in this paper of the model will drop to less than 90% when the predicted length exceeds 45. Finally, the attention mechanism model is compared with the LSTM model with different lengths of input sequences to demonstrate that the attention mechanism model has a faster training speed when dealing with long sequences.



